Week 5

Kids all around the country eat various types of food. My favorite food is salmon. I know this is not eaten by most kids, but I love to eat salmon and mashed potatoes when I go to restaurants like Cheesecake Factory. I think that the food eaten by most kids is French fries. Almost all restaurants have the salty side and in all different shapes and sizes. Comment below if you like French fries or not!

Week 3


A very influential person to me is Gene Kelly. He was a dancer in the musical theatre industry who created different approaches to dance styles including ballet, tap, and modern. He changed the way directors filmed dance and inspired people around the country.

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Madi! I have a little sister who I love to play board games like Monopoly and Life with. I am currently on a dance team and I have groan so close with my teammates. We compete once a month, at competitions around California. My favorite food is salmon and hamburgers. I love to watch television shows like Modern Family with my family. Hanging out with friends is my favorite past time. My family has recently sold our house to move into a bigger, new one. My favorite color is navy blue and my favorite movie is X-men First Class. Recently, my mom bought us premiere tickets to the new Star Wars movie and I am super excited! My favorite subject in school is social studies and I am super excited to learn more throughout the year!

Activity 1:Hello, who are you?

There are many people that have different personalities off the screen then on. Some show more kindness in person than on social media, but that is not me. I like to not change when posting online because I like it changes your image. If you are mean to someone through a post, but nice in person, they probably think you are trying to cover up for your mistakes. All in all, I think you should try to be kind off and on the screen.